Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Birthdays..Who Needs Them????

Remember those childhood birthday, I do. My Mom would sit me on the table right next to the cake and take a picture, she did that one time and after that I have no memories of my birthday. Maybe I chose to forget those times in my life or maybe they weren't remembering? I don't have a clue as to why I hate my birthdays..but I do.

It's just another day..right? Another mile stone set in place. Another year past with all the things I said I do but never got to them. One more down and more to go. This is a day we look back and remember the things we could do before we got older....not this year!

I still don't like my birthdays but I think I like them better now. Cancer makes you rethink the whole birthday deal. Maybe, just maybe, birthdays are good. It does make another year that I am here, that I "made" it. I can now look back today a sigh about all the things that made up last year. What a year it was. Who would have thunk it, not me, not even in my wildest dreams.

I still wish that birthdays where like they where when we where children, they where full of excitement, presents and CAKE! That wonderful cake, gosh how I love cake..LOL

Now, don't think I didn't get any of those things today, I did. I had a nice dinner with Ken at our favorite spot, The Elbo Room and Ken did buy me a present, a blender. I made my birthday cake, which I might ad was yummy but this still didn't feel as much fun as when I was a child.

Oh well, maybe the point here is , birthday wishes....I have a few..(smile). So, I'm going to close my eyes and wish for..wait..I can't tell you cause it won't come true...Another year older but not much wiser..hehehehe.

1 comment:

1anonymousmom said...

Dear Rosebud,
My wish for you this year is health, energy, love, and joy, that your life would overflow with good things.
Much love,

p.s. Thanx for the support on my blog -- i have NO IDEA who shansen even is!