Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh Hell..Hell Michigan That Is

Amber and I went to Hell this weekend..

I thought it was fitting since I've been through hell and back, since I do own a hearse and the car show happened to be in Hell. Just Hearse-n-Around hearse club puts on a show in Hell for the past 6 years now. They had free food, dash plaques, door prizes and also a band called The Hearsemen which we thought was pretty good. There was about 45 to 50 hearses there from all over the state of Michigan, Ohio, Ind and Ill. This really surprised me but then again owning one of these surprises others.

Hell has a kitchen (food store), a ice cream place called Screams, a post office, a wedding chapel and a bar called the Damn Site Inn. It was so much fun! Amber had a great time cause Hell is a busy place. So many people stopping by Hell. One couple stopped to get married, there where quite a few bikers stopping and a car club from Canada stopped. Quite a busy place and everyone asked if the hearses where part of the

Just like everything in life some of these hearse owners took things to the edge but I can't judge what's right or wrong here. If you can get past the weird clothes, tats, hair color and all the piercing, some turned out to be pretty neat. Here are some more pictures..Amber and I are already looking forward to taking "The Black Rose" to Hell again next year....

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

How fun. Looks like you had one 'hell' of a time!