Saturday, February 2, 2008

Winter Blues

How's the weather? Colder then a ditch digger's.... Gosh there's so many of those saying that I just could go on but at the risk of offending, I'll stop..>LOL Weather has always been weird in Michigan but I just have one question...Where the heck is the global warming when we need it? Below zero, negative numbers and blizzards are all I have been hearing on the weather reports.

Where did the hole in the o-zone go? Did it repair it self? I want the unseasonal warm weather that the hole made. Maybe it's so bad now cause my car is not housed nice inside the garage. The hearse and the nova sit nice and cozy inside the car hole, while our daily drivers are now outside in the elements.

I have to face fact that this winter thing is starting to suck and I'm getting older and need warmth. We did talk about a warmer place like Arizona or Florida but we all know that's just a warm pipe dream for now.

I guess right now I'm going to go buy a can of aerosol hair spray and point it to the sky and maybe I'll make that hole come back and warm me up..hahahaha

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