Saturday, January 19, 2008

One Year And Counting...

What do you do on an anniversary like this? It's been one year since I heard those words..breast cancer. Do you get a cake and balloons, or perhaps there's a hallmark card, they make cards for every occasions. Maybe going out to dinner and toasting to the one year, the one year that you lived hoping you weren't going to die.

I promised myself there was no looking back, no reminiscing fondly like you would of happy days gone past and old lovers. But, here I am doing just what I said I wouldn't, remembering the crap.

I'm not going to write some long recap of the year cause you all can read last years posting if you want to know how I felt or what happened. But, right now, I am going to celebrate my one year anniversary. It's not going to be with a cake or some sappy hallmark card.

So, here's to you beat me down but I'm back up again. Care giver Kenny, who kepted me going through this all, always told me we'd look back and laugh at all of this. He was right, he's always right..NOT. He kept me going when I wanted to stop and he year from'll still be here.

Now I have my morning coffee and there's a fresh blanket of snow outside. The sun is coming up and it's another day. Another day to be thankful and to breath it all in...that's a celebration in my eyes.

1 comment:

1anonymousmom said...

Girl, get you a t-shirt that says One Year Survivor. i'm going to get one for my anniversary on 2/12. you are a strong, fabulous woman, and i'm glad you're here.