Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas even if it is a day late. Our house was full and I believed I cooked for three days straight. I think it would have been easier to go to work then to do all the cooking..hahahaha

I tried to cook less, really I did but each time I opened the cook book there was something else that I HAD to make popped up. There was green wreath cookies, sugar and short bread. Four pumpkin pies that where made fresh from pumpkins. There was also the fluffy cheese cake that my mother would make every year. I also had to make my own carmel apple bread and banana bread, two loafs of each. Then on the big day there was ham, taters, rolls and veggies. What an eating holiday this was.

So, now the day after and the cupboards are bare....that in it's self is the best gift that I got this Christmas...

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