Saturday, December 1, 2007

Give Me A "G"

First off, my mammogram came back normal, which is super duper news in it's self. Next bit of news is..I'm going to be Grandma. Amber called and told me this week, she should be due in June or July. I cried again, just like at her wedding. I can't believe what a sobbing thing I've become. It's just not right what those drugs are doing to my system. And, the new drugs are working great except for the fact they will be costing me.

Now back to this Grandma thing. I can't wait! Amber talked about children like this would be far off in the future. I figured I would live to see any of her children grow up cause she would have them so late in live. I am so excited about this that I went to the fabric store and bought this baby fabric that I have admired for a year now. I was jealous of all the other Grandma's who could buy this fabric but, now it is my turn. I wonder if they make a tee shirt that says..I'm going to be Grandma..I'd wear it.

Girl or boy, it doesn't matter to me. I just want the baby to be healthy and mom and dad to be happy. Of course, now Ken and I are arguing who will be the first to hold this little Nascar hopeful. It will be me..hahahahaha. This is truly a blessing this Christmas. What a year it's been and what a year next year will be. I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

1anonymousmom said...

rose, check out this link:

if it doesn't work, go to and put "going to be a grandma" in the search box, and it'll show you all kinds of choices! i bought a "bald chicks rock" t-shirt from there.

congrats! babies rock!