Monday, January 7, 2008

Computer Age

Boy, what happened to the good old days?? Pictures where taken on a camera then the film was taken to get developed and you had pictures. There was also the cool Instamatic's where you took the picture, it popped out and you waved it in the air till the photo magically appeared..( those where oh so cool) I miss those days.

I have a camera that I thought was up to date cause it took pics on a thing called a floppy disk that I just inserted into my computer and "poof" there was the pic. No film, no processing and oh so with it. I used this thing for 10 years now and just recently I found out I was behind the times. Me, behind the times..hahahaha.

The camera failed on me, the floppy disk some how wouldn't load into the computer and I decided to "look" for another camera. So, off I go to Circuit City to "look" and "look" I did. Wow, my camera was in the stone age compared to the little (and I mean little) stuff they have now. I ended up going home with another Sony but it has 12.1 mega pixels and a shit load of other stuff I'll never use. The card, which holds the pictures, can hold up to 500 of them and is no bigger then my thumb nail. Not to mention it will do everything but take out the trash for me..hahah

Now.. the day before, I was burning some DVDs (don't ask me how I did that), which was for our car club. The DVD had 268 pictures and music from the entire year (2007) of our car club car shows. It was amazing how many pictures that old camera took but the quality wasn't so great. Anyway, after doing that for days, I decided to make those cool labels and jewel case covers with our car club logo on them. This should have been an easy project, easy for someone who knows what they are

I went through twenty-one bucks of paper products just to find out that I didn't know what I was doing. Needless to say, that afternoon a new printer came into my life. Apparently, I had a stone age printer as well and I have one that will do everything but take out the trash.

It seems now that I am with it again but I still don't know what I am doing. I'm just going to hide under the covers for awhile and dream of the old days...wave me in the air till I develop

1 comment:

1anonymousmom said...

we dropped our digital camera, so we've been taking film pictures lately....amazing how used we get to the other way.