Monday, July 9, 2007

Chemo Head And The Wedding

Some of you know what the term Chemo head is but for those who don't I'll explain it. Chemo head is the result of the chemical called chemo that kill off cells (good or bad) in our body when we fight cancer. It somehow reacts in our brain and we forget. Yup, forget simple things, it's like a blond moment..hahahaha

I been having this off and on and it's the one thing I can't seem to fight. I felt great before my last chemo and my daughter, Amber, came over and starting talking about her wedding this Aug. She hasn't been telling me much cause of how sick I've been and now since I'm almost done she asked me to get her something for it..a unity candle.

OK, that's easy, I could do that so I stopped off at my mom's and tried to explain what it was my daughter wanted and all that I could remember was a utility candle. My mom who is 83 and in the same mind frame as myself agreed and thought a utility candle would be fine but didn't know where in the wedding she would use it.

I'm off to Younkers (at least remembered the store) to get this candle. I was so proud of myself to be well enough to do something for Amber and excited to be out. I walked in the store and went blank..hahaha I remembered she wanted towels which I found no problem but all I could remember was utility candle. I figured that candle had to be where they kept the wedding stuff and walked over there. This kind clerk looked at me (I'm bald) and asked me if I needed help.

I asked her where do you keep the utility candles, my daughter wants one for her wedding. The clerk looked at me and started mean a unity candle. I started laughing. Another chapter of laughs thanks to cancer and chemo. I really should write this stuff down before I head out in public...hahahaha

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

Your 'utility' candles look beautiful. Thank goodness the clerk figured out what you needed - your daughter might not have thought it was so funny! :-)