Friday, June 1, 2007


I had a scare this week and I figured I'd share cause it along with this whole cancer thing..pisses me off. When I had chemo they do a complete blood test, which I never had a problem with. Last time, after I got home, the nurse called and asked me if I was taking a calcium supplement cause my levels where really high. Told me no and this a problem???? Oh,'s fine, we'll recheck next week..have a great week.

Ok, after that you would think every thing is fine and not to worry..right??? Next week came and I go to get my blood tested again like I do every week but this time they draw it from a vein which till now, it's just been a pin prick. OK, on to the nurse to get the results. Ok, now I ask her..this calcium thing is ok..right???? There's no issue with it being high..right???? Right????

Yes Mary Ellen, there's an issue with it being high! When you have cancer in your bones your calcium level is high cause your bones are trying to repair themselves. The scare with mine being high was that the cancer had spread into my bones. Now that would be something to worry about ya think?? I think that wouldn't be "fine".
Nurse told me the test results would be back the next day and she'd call me if there was an issue.

It took me two calls there the next day to find out my results. I wasn't waiting for the next shoe to be dropped on me..I wanted to know, was it high again..did my cancer some how spread! I worried my bald little head off and this. Well, now this was a kick in the pants..ready???

Before my chemo, I had taken a few Tums to settle my tummy cause I was nervous and had drank too much coffee before my treatment. The Tums have calcium in them to help your bones and such. The freaking Tums spiked the level of calcium in my blood and made it look like the cancer had spread! The blood test came back and there was no problem with it. Great huh???? SO, the moral of this little story is....Don't take Tums before a blood test..they'll think you have bone cancer.

I'm fine, pissed but fine, and now I'm off to get me some of that sweet radiation that will give me x-ray vision. So you guys better be careful around me cause I'll be able to see what ya wear under there...hahahahaha

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

So glad you shared your blog address!
What a strange journey we are on - where baldness is in, tattoos are status quo and Tums are forbidden. Yikes! Jacque