Thursday, June 21, 2007

X Ray Vision

So far, so good. I'm on my second week of rads and things are going great. I just lay on the table and machine zaps me and DONE! No needles, no shots, no pokes, and you don't get sick. I wish all the treatments where like this! I just love me rads Doc. She looks like a mad scientist for the movies. I seem to like the weird Doctors but that's me..hahahaha

The count down has started till the last chemo..12 days and counting. Then, the Friday after that I get my port taken out. I am over joyed about that thing being removed but it's the removal that's got me a little concerned. They had to put me in the hospital to put it in under twilight meds BUT to take it out, I just go in the Doctors office. That seem just not right and seems like a Chris is going to pass out visit.

One more thing..I have is starting to grow back. I don't think it's going to stay but Ken thinks it will. What's the color???? Going to have to wait on that one cause it's not long enough to tell yet. Of all the things to get excited I guess it's the little things now that just mean I'm coming back to the land of the living....

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

Yea for hair!
My mother in law had it out in the office and she said it HURT! I was put under with twilight sleep and didn't feel (or at least remember) a thing. Could you demand a little knock out juice?
Congrats on being so close to being done! So close!!!!!