Monday, June 25, 2007

Yoda and Me

If I had pointy ears and green skin I'd look just like Yoda right now. The stubble that's coming in I don't think is going to stay but at least it's making me look a little normal now..hahahaha

One week and counting till last chemo and then I'm done. I want to be done cause I hate this. I hate not being myself and being bald and tired and..and..and.. The list can go on and it's long. The 4th of July will be my independence day from cancer!

Right now it looks like I'll be back to work sometime in July. I'm looking forward to that cause it is one step to normal. My rads however won't be done till the end of July which bothers me cause it will be covered under our "new company" insurance. That 6,000 bucks out of pocket cost isn't going to work well for my zero in pocket income but I guess we'll make it somehow. I am sure that pay cut I receive when I return isn't going to help my zero in pocket much either..hahahaha

Ken's son is spending some of his summer vacation with us and it's been fun. Gosh, I wish I was a kid again and got to spend the summer sleeping late and doing nothing. I'm almost doing that now except the steroids make me not sleep and the joint pain from chemo makes me do nothing. Awww, to be young again..

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

You are SO close to being done! Hang in there, girl!