Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Drive Your Hearse To Work Day..

Halloween has always been one of my favorite days. You can dress up, get candy and decorate around the house all spooky like. Tonight at work, people dressed up and they had donuts and cider and candy available all night. I had a sugar buzz when I went home..LOL

I didn't feel much like dressing up cause I drive a hi-lo (fork lift) so I decided to take the hearse and just park it in the parking lot. About half way threw the night, a co-worker suggested that I park it by one of the main entrances to the building to freak out the first shift people coming in. I asked one of the supervisors and it was a big..YES!

She told me that one fellow on her line came in and told her that he parked next to a hearse out in the parking lot. He just couldn't believe it was out there and his car was right next to it. She told him it was Chris's over there on the dock and he didn't act so surprised anymore..hahaha.. Guess I must have some kind of reputation.

It was really neat and so many people told me how great it was. One gal on the way out got all scared and wouldn't walk by it till her friend went with her. But, there's always one in the crowd that is now praying for my soul. Yes, it seems that I am now damned for having this car that has nothing to do with ones soul or God but she feels it does.

I didn't realize that ones soul would travel in such a car but I guess her praying for me couldn't hurt.

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