Thursday, March 22, 2007

Chemo Toe

Started my first round of chemo on Tuesday and at least I say say round one is behind me. I was a little scared but it didn't take too long and Ken got to watch spike TV in a private room they have for chemo. They have a few of these along a hallway and then there's the sitting are beyond that. I brought my crackers and ice water with me , the ice is to help not get mouth scores. Chemo is crappy but as long as it helps me..then ok.

I woke up the next day and felt like a had a huge hang over..feels like the flu and I have to go out today to get a shot that is going to help replace my white blood count when it goes down. I am really tired but so far I haven't gotten too sick yet, I keep praying I don't. I seem to keep looking back lately but I guess having this kinda disease in your life makes you do that. I wish some dear friends of mine that had cancer in the past where alive today to talk to. I have so many questions for them and I now understand just what was it like when they went through this.

I never understood the faith they had but I saw the courage of the fight in their eyes. It is a fight, and you have to be strong but I still wish they where here to hold my hand and help me with this. Ken's been taking care of me and he is a God sent! I don't think I'd be this well mentally or physical without him.

Well, I'm off to bed but in ending this today, I just wanta thank everyone who asks Ken about me at work..I means a lot to me guys and I miss you all very much! One down..five to go and it won't be long and I'll be back to give ya crap..

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