Tuesday, March 27, 2007

One Week Down

It's been one week since my first round of chemo and I have to say OK. They have great medicines now that keep you from doing everything. I didn't throw up which was a huge scare on my list. It felt like I had a hang over along with the flu and I think I can live with that 5 more times. Ken's been making me get outside if only to sit in the sun and that does make me feel much better.

I went downstairs to the all girl room and have been sewing. I want to finish my flannel quilt just in time for summer..hahahaha. Again, Ken has some sewing projects for me for the hot rod and NO..I can't sew car seat covers for the thousand time..hahaha. I've already got an idea for all the bandannas and du-rags that I have. I want to make them into a quilt but I want it to be more of an art quilt. This cancer stuff bites and there just has to be something good to come out of it, it just has to come to me. I'm hoping the quilt would be something I could show but it's all ideas right now.

I would say I'm ready to go back to work..NOT!! I now understand just why Doc Death said I wouldn't be able to! The chemo makes ya kinda whacked in the head along with draining every once of energy you have. If I was driving my hi-lo, there would be a lot people becoming speed bumps. July 3rd is possible the last treatment so I am shotting for sometime after that.

It is kinda nice that the weather has gotten better. I have small gardens around the house that I can fart around with but I am sure that Ken has a project for that too. He sure has a lot of projects for his chemo girl..hahahahaha

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