Thursday, March 15, 2007

Doc Death and the Test

I've been feeling really down lately and after talking with Doc Death, I was ready to give in to the anti-depressants. He made an appointment for a PET/CT scan for me. This is a whole body scan to see if the cancer was anywhere else. I viewed this as the mother of all test, a test which if I didn't pass meant more doom and gloom. I've been feeling like I'm in high school lately cause every test I take, I fail!

Test day came and Ken drove me to GR where the place was located. Everything has been right here in Holland but this machine is only in GR. What a great place! The lobby looked like a 5 star hotel. At the end of the lobby was a huge wall of glass that over looked a pond. It was lovely and relaxing and what every cancer place should be like. This was the first time since getting this crap I felt good and relaxed.

The nurse took us off to a private room and yes, there the needle came out and an IV hooked up to me. I hate needles and I pass out each time..LOL. She explained everything to us and I was disappointed that I wouldn't have some super human power after having radio active sugar in my veins, OH Well that's the breaks. She then said I would be getting a barium (sorry about the spelling folks). All that raced through was head was the dreaded word Enema!!!! Hell no, nothing was going in an out area..nope..nope..nope. Ken also told me he thought the same thing and was laughing. I bet he wouldn't have felt that way if it was him..LOL.

Guess the nurse saw the doe in the head light look I was giving her and she explained that I was to drink it..LOL. But, to make this was a fun scan and a turning point for me..I felt like myself again. At the end of the scan the nurse met us back in the room with an arm full of snacks and juice and pop. I just couldn't believe how nice they made us was absolutely wonderful!

Next..Angels are Everywhere

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