Wednesday, June 13, 2007

One More To Go

I got number 5 down and there's only ONE more to go. I can't believe I have made it this far without killing Dr. Death and his underling. I had a few questions about my chemo when I went in . I was questioning the fact that my kind of chemo only benefited 8% out of 100 women using the drug they gave me and also I found out that the drug could possible give me leukemia down the road. How cool is that..fight cancer and the cure drugs give you cancer back..SUPER DUPER!!!

I waited with my questions just burning a hole in my hand, all typed out, numbered with studies name and Doctors who researched it. And, much to my suprize..the underling walks in not Dr Death and I was all ready for him..Will she got the wrath of this bald, no eye lash or eye brow women. I was on fire and made her start quoting different big worded studies at me that I didn't understand BUT I understood one thing...I wasn't doing all this shit to get another cancer in the end.

I wanted clear and direct answers and I got that. I am getting the best standard care possible and new research comes out everyday which is great but I can't second guess myself on the combo of drugs they give me. While one my not work by it self alone, in comb it does help some. And as far as getting another cancer, that is a very slight risk but having my cancer come back cause I didn't take everything possible would be greater. So babies, I am throwing the sink at this and come what may, it's in Gods hands.

Well she left and I felt better and ready to get that chemo but I must have rattled her cage and she (cry baby) sent in Doc Death..hahahaha. By that time I really wasn't out for bear anymore and we had a nice chat about getting my port out and his children. I am such a pickle!!!!

While I was getting prepped for chemo, Dr. Death cam out to visit me which kinda scared me cause I know he don't like me. But we talked about stretching my chemo out so it won't be so hard on my body..NOOOOOO WAYYYY! One more shot, one more poke verses 3 once a week, No freaking way. I told him I was the disgruntled chemo girl and he told me he was the disgruntled Doc..hahaha. I guess his comment was due to the fact that I asked him if he got kick out of the Onc conference last weekend cause he drank too much when he attended those after he told me he didn't go cause of his kid. That wouldn't have anything to do with it..I don't think..Wink

Well, I'm off to rads down 32 to go. I love those ladies but I think I have to take their markers away from them. they keep marking off the mountain and the stuff doesn't wash off right way. I feel like a dry erase board..Love you guys!

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

Glad you got your questions answered and least a little reassurance.
I am also glad you enjoyed my little trials yesterday. It really was funny - the things we endure! :-) Hugs, Jacque