Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Are We There Yet Toto?

I've had my two white count blood test since my last chemo and both turned out great! Each one my count was well above normal so I guess that 3,000.00 shot helped..ya think? Next week Tuesday is my 3rd chemo and that puts me half way. The next 3 will be of a different kind and they tell me it won't be as hard as the shit they give me now. They are only giving the worst crap in the book but if it kicks the cancer then I guess it's OK if it kicks my ass.

The picture above is what I've been doing since they told me I had breast cancer, quilting. I made this quilt and I'm pretty happy the way it turned out. I've had this idea floating around in my head so now was the time to do it. It's made of old flannel shirts and blue jean material. The back is also of flannel and the batting is an old blanket. I like to reuse things, make something beautiful or useful out of items that are on their way to the trash. The name of this quilt is..drum roll please....'Flannel Cult" When I finished this it reminded me of the dock , how cold it was and how the three of us dressed alike, in flannel. Eric, Arnold and myself all have the same flannel coat and the drivers would ask us if we belonged to a cult cause we all looked alike.

At least NOW I can say we do all look alike cause I'm bald. Maybe I'll get Kenny to take a pic of me and I'll put it up here. It's OK being bald, I don't miss my hair much but it does hurt when you burn the dome. I didn't wear a hat the other day and I got a sun burn..hahahahaha. I feel for those guys that don't have hair and get burned, it hurts! I'm going to have to get some sun screen and put it on my head. Who would have ever thought I'd be doing that? Not me. It still makes me laugh.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Go Speed Racer..GO

Well, it's been a week since the last chemo and I will say it hit me harder then the first. Having chemo doesn't hurt but it screws me up. I figured by last Saturday that I'd be back to normal but because the chemo keeps building up in my body, it took longer. It feels like everything is moving really fast and I'm in slow motion. Mostly my body hurts and my head feels like it's five times it actual size. They tell me to drink water and flush it out of my system but then I become the potty queen and I hate spending all that time flushing.

Last Saturday, I tried so hard to be able to be right to go out with some friends at night. The Road Rods is the name of Ken's car club that he has belonged to for awhile now. I met this great bunch of people two years ago and have had fun adventures with them since then. They are like family now, the kind of family you love but never tell anyone about cause they won't quite understand them. The list of characters isn't long but each one has a place in the club and in my heart.

Needless to say, I pushed myself to going which I probably shouldn't have but it was a night out, a date night. Ken and I haven't had a night out and I wanted some norm. I wanted my friends to know that I was ok even if I didn't feel like it. Sometimes you just have to feel normal and that's what we both needed. It was a great night and the only problem I had was keeping up with the conversation. It was hard for me cause my head hadn't cleared up and I still had in-land fog going on in there.

I am looking forward to all the car shows this summer. I love car shows. It's fun looking at all the hard work and love these people put into their car. And, yes, I did sew some new things for the car this year but the car didn't get new seat covers. Last year the car had it's own quilt but this year we are retiring the quilt and now have new..oh I almost let it slip. You guys are going to have to go to a car show and see the Nova to know what's new..Got ya..

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So You Found The Comments Section

Well I can now say that my fellow workers are smart. You guys finally found the comment section and I will say..it's about time. I figured that you gentlemen couldn't type or that maybe you gents where being sensitive to my issues. I laughed at the last sensitive part so it has to be the non typing thing. You boys need to grow some hair and stop wearing flannel..hahahahaha. Wait a minunite..I have no hair and wear flannel, it's a cult and we all look alike.

Now on to other things here. Today was chemo day #2 and it was pretty fun. We had a early appointment and I had to get the works, blood, see Doc Death and get my jungle juice. The nurse brought us to the same room as before and I being to think they only have this one room..hahaha. We waited for about 30 mins and the nurse told us Doc Death was running on time today..yeah, right..if that's on time I would hate to see this guy run late! Anyway, he comes in and closes the door on his hand! Yup, on his hand. I almost lost it and I tried not to laugh when he told me he had to step out into the hall and scream. Oh my gosh now that was funny but he'll probably add that to my bill..hahaha. He told me I was doing great and that was it. What a super guy..hahaahaha...he must be a riot at parties.

We didn't get a private room today but that's ok cause it was fun just the same. My nurse Matt, yes nurse Matt..hahaha was just so happy to see me. At least this time I got his name right and didn't call him the nurse with the limp wrist. Matt somehow thinks I'm a trouble maker and I don't know where he would get that from. Oh, and Matt did have a limp wrist, he pinched a nerve it went limp..hahahahah. Matt gets to rub and poke my breast so I am sure he's a happy camper. My port is right above my left breast so each time he gets a peek..hahahaha. I have to go back tomorrow to have my white blood shot, Nuelasta, and Matt said he wished he would be there cause that shot hurts like hell and he wanted to give it to me. As you can plainly see, Matt is in love with me..hahaha.

One thing about not sitting in a private room that I liked is that you can talk to other people who are getting chemo too. And, I could also watch Ken fall asleep and snore while all the chemo patience tried to be quite around him so he could get his rest. One guy sitting next to me was taking experiential drugs for his cancer. He wasn't given any chances to live but is doing pretty good he told me. I know I am sick but I almost feel healthy compared to him. Another lady talk to me and she has had her cancer since 2001. She looked so bad and she laughed when I took off my bandanna to show her that I had no hair left.

Cancer is horrible! It robs you of who you are and takes all your money to pay for it. That shot that I have to have each time cost over 3,000 a pop and some insurances don't cover it. This cancer that has adopted my body has made me see things in a different light and it has also made me see other people have it worse and still have a smile. What else do we have but that? So when something isn't going just right in your life, think of this, smile and say to yourself just how good you have it..I know I do

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Had to go to the chemo place today for another cbc (white blood count test). My sister took me today so that Ken could have a break and also so she could see where I go. The cancer had been hard for her to take. She's been hurting so I figured if we had some time together and if she went with me, she might then feel better.

We got there and had to wait and once again, these people just glare at me. I guess I don't look dead enough for them. I will not look dead, I will smile and laugh and I will not let this shit win. I can't help it if those people have given up, doesn't mean I have to. Today is not a good day to die and for that matter, neither is 20 years from now..hahahahaha.

The nurse called me and I told Loni to wait right there. You can guess what happened next..needle..yup but this time they just pricked my finger. This I liked! She did the test and told me it was perfect (last time I was low). You want a high blood count so you don't get infections and viruses. I can't be around anyone who is sick or get chemo if my count is low. I was really happy and did the in-your-face dance to the nurse and we started laughing. Loni told me she could hear me laughing out in the waiting room which I am sure made them dislike me even more. Like I said before..I am not dieing today..hahahaha

So, I have this week and then next week is round number two and I'm not looking forward to being down again. Seems just like when you start feeling so what ok, they hit you with it again. Oh well, after that one I'll only have 4 to go..