Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I ran my race having cancer and did my time and now I'm done. Goody, goody for me! It seems like only yesterday I started all this an now it's ended. I woke up today and realized that I didn't have any treatments, Doctor appointment or anything I had to be at and that felt kinda weird. It is a good weird though.

I went to work today to hand in my paper work and see the nurse to ok me for work. I guess I passed with flying colors cause they are going to let me return. It's going to be strange going back but I really do need to go. My energy is getting back up there everyday and I feel like my old self once more.

I have 4 days off before I go back to work so now I'm going to relax. HAHAHAHA..me relax?? I started painting the inside of the garage cause it looked dirty so I guess that's not relaxing now is it??? Ok, maybe tomorrow after I clean the house or maybe the next day after I mow the grass. Ok..ok..the next day for sure after I go shopping. Wait a minunit..guess I don't relax much..hahahaha. See you guys at work on the 6th...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I owe, I owe, It's Off To Work I go...

I'm on the home stretch now, there's only 3 more rads treatments and I'm done. I can't wait to walk out of the office and be finally done with all of this. There's going to be check ups but not having to go every day well be great. Ken's going to miss the orange juice that I bring home every day so I guess I'll have to buy him a jug of it..hahaha.

Ok, I'll be heading back to work..drum roll please...Aug 6. That's my official day back and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there. I just hope I can remember what I do, darn chemo brain! My rads are done on the 3rd so I'll have 5 days with no doc appointment, no treatment and no ANY thing. They said I needed more time then that to rest but I've rested to the point that I hate resting..hahahaha.

Amber's wedding date is getting closer now and I have to go to a bridal shower for her. I don't have a clue when it comes to who should be giving what so the grooms step mom is giving it for her. I am really thankful for that cause I know I couldn't do it cause I'm still in pain from the rads. Now, since things are wrapping up with me, I can spend more time helping her get things ready. Amber has been planning this whole thing on her own cause I've been too sick to help in any way.

I guess you can't pick when you're going to get sick. I wish I could have but things will work out. Now the hard question for me isn't should I get up and try to walk but what to wear..what to wear..hahahaha. It's great feeling better again!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cancer Machine

I have just starting realizing that cancer never sleeps. It's like a huge machine that doesn't slow down but just keeps moving along. After my last chemo, I noticed that new people where just coming in to take my spot. And, now that I'm doing rads, the same thing is happening there. My friends that finished before me, are now being replaced by new friends that have just started. I'll be done with rads hopefully on the 30th of July, if all goes well with the machine and they don't cancel on me.

So far I haven't been one of the lucky ones with no skin reaction. You know I couldn't just breeze through this treatment..hahahaha. So far just my collar bone and under the mountain has blistered and become painful enough that I can't sleep at night. This is still better then my worse day of chemo. I have just 7 more zaps and this is just to the tumor site so my skin should heal up soon.
This weekend I'm off to M.I.S (Michigan International Speedway) for a car show and a few laps around the track in the Nova. This is such a great time and the Road Rodz have such a fun, I just can't stay home. I'm tired and burned but I'm going!

I'm not going to let cancer and it's crap treatments stop me from having fun. I haven't let it win so far and since I can see the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train, it's not going to win now. The huge cancer machine can just keep moving along without me. I'm going to M.I.S and have me a drink to celebrate my living with this and all my friends who couldn't live with it and have passed to a better place.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


They told me at the rad place that I would either have little, some or no skin reaction to radiation. The doc also said since I was doing chemo and rads at the same time my skin would react badly. Well, I feel like a fried chicken right now. There's three spots which hurt the some. One being right by my collar bone, there's one under my arm and lastly one under the mountain. The one under the mountain hurts the most and has blistered some. YEAH!

I just can't believe the things you have to go through when you have cancer but beating it is worth all the pain but not the needles. I'm on 23 out of 33 treatments so far and the last 7 will be what they call boosters. They will just radiate where the tumor was so the three spots will start healing after that.

It won't be long now and I'll be back to work. I wonder if I remember how to drive my hilo..hahahahaha. I am aiming for the end of the month to go back and harass everyone. Don't be shocked guys if I don't have much hair. It's growing back but I don't think there's going to be much by that time.

Ken's been keeping me busy lately with car shows and I think I may have even found a cheap hearse to buy. You guys thought I forgot about getting a hearse huh? Nope, I figure you only live once so I'm going to change things around a bit and if I can go for something..I'm going to. Plus, a hearse with flames is one cool ride. I'd like to get it before the 28th street cruise but who knows, I have to look at it yet. And, no..I will not be for hire..hahahahaha

Monday, July 9, 2007

Chemo Head And The Wedding

Some of you know what the term Chemo head is but for those who don't I'll explain it. Chemo head is the result of the chemical called chemo that kill off cells (good or bad) in our body when we fight cancer. It somehow reacts in our brain and we forget. Yup, forget simple things, it's like a blond moment..hahahaha

I been having this off and on and it's the one thing I can't seem to fight. I felt great before my last chemo and my daughter, Amber, came over and starting talking about her wedding this Aug. She hasn't been telling me much cause of how sick I've been and now since I'm almost done she asked me to get her something for it..a unity candle.

OK, that's easy, I could do that so I stopped off at my mom's and tried to explain what it was my daughter wanted and all that I could remember was a utility candle. My mom who is 83 and in the same mind frame as myself agreed and thought a utility candle would be fine but didn't know where in the wedding she would use it.

I'm off to Younkers (at least remembered the store) to get this candle. I was so proud of myself to be well enough to do something for Amber and excited to be out. I walked in the store and went blank..hahaha I remembered she wanted towels which I found no problem but all I could remember was utility candle. I figured that candle had to be where they kept the wedding stuff and walked over there. This kind clerk looked at me (I'm bald) and asked me if I needed help.

I asked her where do you keep the utility candles, my daughter wants one for her wedding. The clerk looked at me and started laughing..you mean a unity candle. I started laughing. Another chapter of laughs thanks to cancer and chemo. I really should write this stuff down before I head out in public...hahahaha

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hair Today..Gone Tomorrow

Here's the hair that's been growing since my last picture. I know it's isn't pretty but it is hair..LOL My port came out yesterday and it wasn't too bad. After they numbed me with a needle and yanked it here and yanked it there, it came out. Ken was fascinated by the whole thing saying, look at that, wow no blood and I can't believe that was in her. Mean while, I was turning white and passing out at each comment. Men are like little boys when it comes to this, they are fascinated by noise, bright flashy things and YUCK. I wouldn't have made it without him there so I have to put up with the silly guy things. I am a sissy when it comes to this stuff but Ken kept slugging my arm telling me..You're ok..it's ok (Yeah Right). Men, I think if it was him having it yanked out, he would have been in a ball coward in a corner...hahahaha Got to love the guys in our lives....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cancer Independence Day

Today is the day I've waited for and it now here..No More Chemo! Before I go off on a deep mind bending long post, I want to give thanks to everyone who has stood by me through all of this. My family has been there with laughter and jokes and tears.

My co-workers who have asked so many time about how I'm doing or have come here to be kept updated. It has meant so much to me to hear that you guys have asked Ken about me. I know most of you wanted to come over and check up but I appreciate you guys understanding that. It won't be long now and you people will be hoping I take vacation cause your tired of my flack.

I also want to thank my ladies from www.breastcancer.org. I wouldn't have gotten this far with my treatment without the kindness and prayer and encouragement they have given me. This group is from all over the world and have shared stories of family, pain, treatment, tips, pictures of loved one, scares and most of all faith in that there will be better times for all of us with cancer.

Then there's my car club, The Road Rodz and all I can say is these guys (and ladies) WOW me. The Ride For The Cure really meant so very much to me and that is something I won't forget. You guys are the BEST. Next year I am planning to run that thing so you guys better be up for it..LOL

And, there's Ken and his family who have been super. Ken has been my rock, driver, cook, nurse, friend and care giver all during this. I truly don't know how I would have ever gotten through this without him to care for me. I know you didn't have to Ken but I know you would do it again in a heart beat.

I remember starting this out and said in one of my post that I didn't mind detours off the road cause you see things you may have not. This statement has come true for me now cause if I didn't have cancer, I wouldn't have met all the great people or have done all the things I have up to this point. During this detour I have met people who have inspired me to live. I would not have been able to cheer up and help those I have talked to if I didn't have cancer. It's hasn't been so bad if you look at it that way.

Yes, I didn't like the things that have happened to me but it's almost over and looking back, it was crap but I understand why God blessed me with this and I wouldn't change a thing! Happy 4th of July everyone or should I say..Happy Cancer Independence Day!!!!