Monday, April 16, 2007

Go Speed Racer..GO

Well, it's been a week since the last chemo and I will say it hit me harder then the first. Having chemo doesn't hurt but it screws me up. I figured by last Saturday that I'd be back to normal but because the chemo keeps building up in my body, it took longer. It feels like everything is moving really fast and I'm in slow motion. Mostly my body hurts and my head feels like it's five times it actual size. They tell me to drink water and flush it out of my system but then I become the potty queen and I hate spending all that time flushing.

Last Saturday, I tried so hard to be able to be right to go out with some friends at night. The Road Rods is the name of Ken's car club that he has belonged to for awhile now. I met this great bunch of people two years ago and have had fun adventures with them since then. They are like family now, the kind of family you love but never tell anyone about cause they won't quite understand them. The list of characters isn't long but each one has a place in the club and in my heart.

Needless to say, I pushed myself to going which I probably shouldn't have but it was a night out, a date night. Ken and I haven't had a night out and I wanted some norm. I wanted my friends to know that I was ok even if I didn't feel like it. Sometimes you just have to feel normal and that's what we both needed. It was a great night and the only problem I had was keeping up with the conversation. It was hard for me cause my head hadn't cleared up and I still had in-land fog going on in there.

I am looking forward to all the car shows this summer. I love car shows. It's fun looking at all the hard work and love these people put into their car. And, yes, I did sew some new things for the car this year but the car didn't get new seat covers. Last year the car had it's own quilt but this year we are retiring the quilt and now have new..oh I almost let it slip. You guys are going to have to go to a car show and see the Nova to know what's new..Got ya..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Think I Know Your Secret Ha Ha Ha. LUV YA C.