Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I owe, I owe, It's Off To Work I go...

I'm on the home stretch now, there's only 3 more rads treatments and I'm done. I can't wait to walk out of the office and be finally done with all of this. There's going to be check ups but not having to go every day well be great. Ken's going to miss the orange juice that I bring home every day so I guess I'll have to buy him a jug of it..hahaha.

Ok, I'll be heading back to work..drum roll please...Aug 6. That's my official day back and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there. I just hope I can remember what I do, darn chemo brain! My rads are done on the 3rd so I'll have 5 days with no doc appointment, no treatment and no ANY thing. They said I needed more time then that to rest but I've rested to the point that I hate resting..hahahaha.

Amber's wedding date is getting closer now and I have to go to a bridal shower for her. I don't have a clue when it comes to who should be giving what so the grooms step mom is giving it for her. I am really thankful for that cause I know I couldn't do it cause I'm still in pain from the rads. Now, since things are wrapping up with me, I can spend more time helping her get things ready. Amber has been planning this whole thing on her own cause I've been too sick to help in any way.

I guess you can't pick when you're going to get sick. I wish I could have but things will work out. Now the hard question for me isn't should I get up and try to walk but what to wear..what to wear..hahahaha. It's great feeling better again!

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

I have a year until I am mom of the groom and am already worrying about what to wear.
So happy you are almost done. Enjoy your days of nothingness - you have earned them!