Today I got my hair cut. Now you're thinking big deal right, everyone gets a hair cut. Wrong, not when you've had cancer treatment, you're hair is gone. My hair has been coming back slowly and the other day I had to buy some hair wax to keep it in place. It's not long enough, short enough yet for anything but to stick up here and there. The hair by my ears and on my neck seemed to grow faster then the rest and it was driving me nuts so I stopped by the "Butcher".
I go to this place called K&R Hair. It's one of those old fashioned hair places that have all but died out. Two chairs and two great women, Karen and Linda who run it. This isn't your hair cuts plus place where you never get the same person each time you go there. You get the same person..she remembers how you like you hair cut and remembers who you are.
These ladies are life friends. We have shared our stories of bad dye jobs, cuts and sadly out grown hair styles. We have shared our children's stories, our husband stories, or parents stories and our friend stories. We have given gifts, hugs and even advice. We have shared laughter, sorrow, grief, smiles and hugs. We have shared life and all in an hour, once a week, every 5 to six week.
So, this is also the first place I went to when it came time to shave my head. I went there, where else could I go? These ladies are family and they needed to be a part of what was going on. It was sad but uplifting when I watched my blond locks fall to the floor. I knew I was just starting my journey and shaving my head was something I had control over and not the cancer. Beside, I just could watch it fall out on it's own after I started treatment, it would be too heart breaking.
We shared stories of other women who had come there before and had breast cancer and are now just fine. We shared some jokes, laughter and most importantly they told me that I was beautiful. That my head was the correct shape for being bald. Can't get that kinda spirit lifting from quick cuts. Cancer takes away things that make you a women but these ladies gave a little of it back with their kind words of support.
The "Butcher" is what Ken calls Linda cause she cuts my hair. He has always wanted me to grow it out but every time I do, I can't stand it and go to her. She cuts it and he calls her a butcher for doing it...hahahaha. So, I went by there and the parking lot was empty and I figure..what the heck..I'd stopped.
It was great being there. It makes me feel like things are going back to normal. I didn't make another appointment but the day I do is the day things will REALLY feel like this cancer is in the past and my life goes on. I'm staring to look like Chris again, short hair, eye brows and eye lashes. Now the real question is....when can I get back to the number 10 blond I was..hahahahaha...maybe by Christmas, I don't want my hair to fall out I'll wait...
I'll post a picture when my batteries charge on my camera..I promise!!!