Thursday, November 22, 2007


Well, the dishes are about done and all our tummy's are full. Everything turned out great and I have no complaints. I worked, cleaned and fed my family all in one day and I'm pooped. This is a day about being thankful, which I am greatly. I have wonderful friends, family and mostly.I am thankful to be here to enjoy them.

I think I mentioned on here about the web site and the great ladies that helped support me through this. We shared so much of our pain, our sorrow, our plain fact of being scared out of our minds. We shared so much that each one of these ladies I feel close to, a sister. Today with great sadness one of these ladies passed to a better place, a place with no cancer.

She was someone I looked to for always being upbeat and having so many answers to my questions. She had a unyielding faith in God and how He would help her but in the end, the cancer won, or did God win? I am Thankful for knowing this person, for having her touch my life without even seeing her face or hearing her voice in person. I know that I was blessed to have known her for that short time. Jacqniel, you will be missed!!!!!

As I said before and I will say again...cancer sucks. I know that there is no cure and one can only be considered cured if you die from something else. So with that in mind, I am thankful for having enough....

Friday, November 9, 2007


Well, it's been awhile since I written anything so I thought I better catch up. So far..drum roll please....two Doctors don't want to see me for a year, Doctor Death told me I was in menopause and I had a mammogram all this in the last two weeks. I had complained to Death that the pills they had given me made me itch and had unexplained bruising. They took me off of those and I had to have a blood test to see if I was in menopause. They did it and I am so that means I get to take another pill which (knock on wood) is not causing me too much trouble. So far, it just make me really tired and my joints are stiff. I can live with that!

I also had a mammogram which I might add...sucked. I had three Doctors in the time span of 2 weeks check out the girls and no one found anything..GREAT!!! So I tell this to the young women at the mamo place but she insisted on doing a breast exam. Now I don't mind it much but this women was on a mission. She pressed so hard I think she left bruises. I'm afraid to look and that was just the breast exam. I'm not going to tell ya how the girls looked after she did the mamo...picture a pancake...OUCH!!!

She did give me her spiel about how mammograms are so important for early detection and that I should now have them done every 6 months because I have had breast cancer. I told her that I have always had my yearly exam and as a matter of last mamo should have pick up on the tumor that was forming but it didn't. I also said that if it was such a great early detection tool, why didn't it "detect" my tumor and why does it fail so many other women? She didn't say too much about that but she didn't say that she knew that and understood my point. So much for their detection tool.

I understand that it does save countless women from their cancer becoming advanced breast cancer but it does fail and the only sure thing is an ultra sound but insurance company don't pay for that as a diagnostic tool. Some insurance don't even cover mammograms and women even go without that. I can't understand it but some women don't get this done cause they are afraid of the discomfort that it causes them even if insurance covers it. Breast cancer causes MORE discomfort then this exam, which is what I tell women at work who tell me they don't have it done cause it hurts. That just makes me laugh but I hope I get my point across.

Needless to say..I'll be having this done again in 6 months, even if it's not the best tool. At least we women have it and I'm still here to rant about it..