Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Is The Thing

The calendar said the first day of spring and even the outside matched. It wasn't warm but the sun was shinning and it looked like spring. It looked like we had gotten over that snow hump and wouldn't return till next winter. But thing are not all what they look like.

It snowed about 6 to 12 inches yesterday and last night. The crappy white stuff covered and sign of spring out there including..taking the hearse out!. I put the hearse back on the insurance the first day of spring cause there's so much I want to do to her before the shows start. She is getting new exhaust tips, signs and perhaps a little paint if time and money allows.

But now, she's back under her blanket. I really hate winter.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One Year Ago..

It's been one year today that I started this blog. It was mostly to keep friends update on my progress. What a year huh? Back then I didn't know what was going to happen to me and today I still don't!

Since all of the treatment is done, life began but it's so hard not to keep thinking about it coming back. Some of the ladies that I started with back then have had their cancer return and it's just scary to think one day it might.

Also, last year my company announced that it was sold to a company called Plastech. Now, Plastech announced it's bankrupt. Oh yeah, we still have jobs for the most part but every day you wonder if it will be announced that you are going to be out.

So, if you think about cancer is a lot like my just keeps you wondering..hahahahaha